My Newz 'n Ideas Plus!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
It is Wednesday which means this is another week of injustice for Jack Idema. Where are the voices of outrage for his illegal incarceration? No shouts of injustice for Jack? May I ask, "Why not?"

Illegal aliens want a free lunch by barging their way into our country without waiting in line like everyone else, and the politicians pander to them. Let an American go to fight the WoT, and they can just rot? I do not understand this mentality. It is a disease of sorts, I suppose.

I am going to now let you read what Cao has written on this topic. [Continue reading]

Once again, here we are. We know that Jack and his men were declared innocent in a second trial, which the MSM did not cover, and are being held for some inexplicable reason -at the behest of the American government. Their ID's actually say 'political prisoner' on them. Now if they were guilty of torture and running a private prison, then why would their ID's say 'political prisoner'?

In the convoluted case of Jack Idema, Jack and his men, according to Kim Barker of the Chicago Tribune, the biggest challenge isn't the Taliban or Al Qaeda who are imprisoned at Pulacharke; instead the biggest challenge the Afghans face is the three Americans.

That's a pretty ridiculous statement, wouldn't you say? Al Qaeda isn't the challenge, no, even the Taliban aren't a challenge--no, the challenge for the Afghans at Pulacharke is the three Americans!

And then she goes on to quote Mawlawi Sidiq (the title of Mawlawi was stripped from him long ago, but the media continues to call him by that moniker). I find it so interesting that journalists like Barker go over to Afghanistan, can't get an audience with Idema and his men, and continue to report in this slanted kind of way.

She says Caraballo is due to be released in July, Bennett in July 2007 and Idema in July 2009, citing no sources for this information, and not acknowledging that the Americans were declared innocent in a second trial.

My sources say that Idema is due to be released in the upcoming weeks, but it appears as though the MSM is intent on spinning the conditions under which that will happen. Two other points that seemed to me to be equally ridiculous that Barker made in her article were that they were
were arrested in July 2004 on charges of running a private jail and torturing prisoners in their own war on terrorism.
Oh. I see, Idema and his men were hunting Bin Laden, and captured Ghulumsaki with a night letter from Mullah Omar and a letter from his brother-a terrorist incarcerated at Gitmo, but she says 'their own war on terrorism'.

So if I'm to understand this correctly, there is no war on terrorism? It's quite apparent how the war with the Taliban has changed, since Karzai is now asking them to participate in government, Mullah Omar was also 'forgiven' and taken off the most wanted terrorist list, and I guess we're all supposed to cry buckets of tears for Ghulumsaki's brother at Gitmo. Terrorists at Gitmo get a habeas corpus hearing within 30 days (which they're not entitled to), Idema and his men waited for over a year just to get their case HEARD, because it was buried, and the response was incomprehensible excuses and mumbo jumbo! It's inexecusable. It would seem that the American government and the courts are favoring terrorists' rights over those of people who were legitimately and honestly fighting the war on terror.
They said they were hunting terrorists in a U.S.-sanctioned operation but were convicted in a bizarre trial that seemed to overwhelm Afghanistan's fledgling legal system.
That's right, a Taliban court did not follow the rule of law under the new system, so that's why there was a second trial! But sadly, these facts are ignored by the MSM.

There is no reason that they are being held, there is no reason these men are not free, except that the American government switched sides mid-stream and is now appeasing terrorists instead of fighting them, and the media is playing along with this betrayal of our fighting forces, and I find it abominable.

They were not 'found guilty' under Afghan law, they were railroaded by a Taliban court! And the accomplices have lost their jobs and titles and some have fled the country.

We will continue to blog about this until their release, and I have some definite questions to ask the American government and the people involved, how this could have ever have happened to Americans in a foreign country to begin with.

The most important thing we should push for is a CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION.

So what can we do about this? Well, for bloggers, there's the weekly Free Jack Idema Blogburst. We are still really, really, really desperate for more people to get involved with this -- The only way we can help Jack, Brent and Ed is by getting the truth about the case out to as many people as possible. Obviously, the more of us there are posting on this topic, the greater chance there is that our voices will be heard.

Anyone wishing to sign up for the Free Jack Idema
should email Cao or Rottweiler Puppy for details. If you want to know more about the story, Cao's Blog has a large section devoted to Jack Idema. There's also a timeline here, and, of course, a huge amount of information is available over at SuperPatriots, without whose work none of us would have learned about Jack's story.

Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots and Jack images on this site are used with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US

The Free Jack Idema Blogroll:

The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill, The Lone Voice, Red Hot Cuppa Politics, Kender's Musings, Irate Nate, The Devil's Kitchen, Cao's Blog, Big Dog's Weblog, Theodore's World, NIF, Rottweiler Puppy, Making Headlines, My Newz n' Ideas, Right For Scotland, Freedom Folks and The City Troll.

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