My Newz 'n Ideas Plus!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Joerg has done it again, only this time there are more people particating. It is wonderful! Great job, everyone. Even those with whom I disagree. This is a better way to discuss our differences. I encourage everyone to take the time to read all of the posts.

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What are the posts about? I have an for that! We see that Germany and the USA have a strained relationed, both politically and socially. Joerg thought it would be healthy to try to heal the wounds, instead of letting them fester. I agree.

The only way to do this is by talking to one another. If you have an article which you have written that includes Germany, the USA, and/or our relations, please feel free to add it to the carnival. If you miss this one, sign up for the next one. It truly is worthwhile.

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From here on in it is going to be what Joerg has written. He is so elegant I decided to share him with you.

Carnival of German-American Relations, Second Edition

Welcome to our transatlantic dialogue! Excellent blog posts about various aspects of U.S.-German relations from both sides of the Atlantic (and the Pacific), in English and in German were submitted and are now introduced to you. A large variety of political opinions and perspectives and well-written arguments provide a lot of food for thought and controversial debates. After a careful selection we are presenting to you 30 of the more than forty submissions.

The posts deal with these topics:
1. American and German perceptions of each other
2. Anti-Americanism and Pro-Americanism
3. The German media coverage of the U.S.
4. "Hitler's Gift" to America and the Nazi Slur
5. German and Muslim Immigration
6. Europe is the empire, not the U.S.
7. More criticism of German policies concerning the U.S.
8. Optimistic Outlook on US-German relations

You don't have to read this entire carnival post at once. Bookmark this page and return anytime ;-) Okay, here we go: (I messed it up, so please go here. lol)

Last but not least

  • We received an interesting post from as far away as Japan: Global American Discourse submitted Iran Review: America, Europe, and Japan at Crossroads to Deal With Nuclear Theocracy.

  • There is even more!

    Have a look at the different take on these posts, the different introductions and a slightly different selections of the more than forty submissions: Check out Statler & Waldorf's carnival post in German (or Google's English translation) as well as American Future's carnival post in the United States.

    You can access all 40+ submitted posts and future submissions in our Carnival Submissions Blog. This blog is permanent and accepts submissions for the next carnival in three months. Just send a trackback and your post will be listed. The German and the American host of the next carnival will pick the best submissions and present them on their blogs on June 11th.

    Continue to submit posts!

    We strongly encourage you to submit good posts on US-German whenever you write them. Don't wait till June. Thanks to the many blogs who display the carnival logo in their sidebar and link to the Carnival Submissions Blog, the previous submissions have been read by many readers prior to this carnival. Please keep the Carnival logo on your blogs so that there is a constant stream of visitors checking out the latest posts on transatlantic relations. Here is the HTML code for the big carnival logo and for the small carnival logo.

    Thank you!

    Thank you, Jim, for designing the logo. Jim Bass works for Bassworks and blogs for the Attack Machine.

    "Thank you!" to all carnival participants and the many bloggers who have promoted this carnival in their blogs and continue to do so!

    I think we are improving the transatlantic dialogue and the ties between the German and the U.S. blogosphere. Keep up the good work.

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